On behalf of the local organising committee, we are delighted to welcome you to the 4th Nordic Metabolomics Conference, an official annual conference of the Nordic Metabolomics Society. The conference aims to highlight and discuss the latest metabolomics research in the Nordic countries and abroad. The conference will be held in Biocity, University of Turku, from Monday 26th August to Wednesday 28th August. There will be an early career researchers’ event on the evening of Sunday 25th August.
The scientific programme includes five sessions focusing on different aspects of metabolomics research from method development, bioinformatics, and applications in human health and nutrition. There are 7 keynote speakers from leading international metabolomics research groups. The remainder of the talks will be selected from submitted abstracts giving the best possible platform to show case your recent metabolomics research.
The Nordic meeting will also be followed by the Biocity Symposium which is an annual event organized by Bioicity Turku and this year it will focus on metabolism in health and disease. Therefore, please join us in Turku to show case the cutting edge research in metabolomics and metabolism more generally.
On behalf of the organising committee,
Alex Dickens, Kati Hanhineva, Matej Orešič
Co-chairs of the organising committee